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You are crowned for a purpose

Before I get into my topic for today, let me take a second to remind you of something

- you will see how it relates!

If you visit our website you will see how Explicit Movement fits as the central facet of our nonprofit, Releasing Generations. The

other two facets are Kingdom Families and ReThink Creativity.

Several years ago, the Lord gave me three key words to represent these three facets:


All three facets beautifully support and overlap with each other!

Sexual brokenness in various forms hinders people from moving forward in freedom and that's where Explicit Movement's mission comes in - but the end goal is that people are restored and released to walk out their God-given destinies!

(PLEASE NOTE: All Explicit Movement donations still go directly to Explicit Movement!)

Hey Everyone!

I thought it would be great to update you on the latest happenings and a little backstory of my friendship and partnership with globally renowned fashion designer Nancy Vuu, and how God is having us collaborate in Hawaii and beyond!

THE DIVINE CONNECTION: At our 2021 online ReThink Creativity Conference, Nancy Vuu was a keynote speaker. Nancy has launched a line of crowns and jewelry called Kingdom Heirs where she crowns children, youth, and men and women into their God-given purpose in the marketplace and in churches. We have become fast friends, and I was super blessed to have been invited to her home in Napa two times last year. She is a most powerful woman of faith who has impacted my life so much! She is such a gift to me! We discovered one night while chatting together that when God called Nancy into the fashion industry 10 years ago, He gave her the SAME exact three words, in the same order, to build her brand on! We screamed with shock. She exclaimed, "Michele! God gave us the same calling - just different platforms!"

THE DREAMS: The Lord told Nancy He was going to give us dreams that night to reveal ways He was going to have us partner in the future...and He did. That night He gave us both vivid dreams and it was all quite supernatural! WHOA God!

THE INVITE: In January and February 2023, the Lord kept telling me that I needed to invite Nancy to come to Hawaii this year - but I hesitated initially as I wanted to make sure it was the Lord and not my own desire, since of course, I would want my dear friend to come! I then called Nancy and we had more God moments as the Lord was revealing His amazing plan to us.

THE PARTNERSHIP: There are so many projects, dreams, and layers coming down the pike as we are seeking the Lord - and God has done much in laying a foundation! When Nancy came to H

awaii this past April and June, the Lord began to miraculously swing open doors of opportunity for both of us to speak to Hawaii influencers in the marketplace, schools, and churches as He was ordering our steps. More leaders are learning about Brave & Beautiful, Brave & Bold, Explicit Movement, and Nancy's Kingdom Heirs and Crowning initiative which all partner beautifully together!

Nancy wrote articles for Brave & Beautiful and has six dedicated pages in volume 1. We are also collaborating on Dream Big projects - I will share more about this in another blog.


e so faithful in guiding and leading Explicit Movement in partnering with Kingdom-minded people such as Nancy to bring healing and wholeness, all so God can release people into their fullness!

I THINK THIS WILL MAKE YOU SMILE: Here is a fun video that Nancy and I made after she was officially greeted and blessed by Native Hawaiian pastors Sam and Jamie Kapu at Kawaiahao church! I am being a bit vulnerable in showing my goofy crazy side to you all! It expresses the joy of the Lord and celebrates all that God is doing!

It is my greatest joy and privilege to partner with the Creator of all Universe to call forth His sons and daughters to greatness and to crown them in their fullness. - Nancy Vuu

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