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Real Love.
Real Truth.

3 min read
Signs You Might Be In A Controlling Relationship
Signs You Might Be In A Controlling Relationship Hi Everyone! Here at Explicit Movement, we want to ultimately see people have healthy...

2 min read
5 Spring Break Activities to Engage With Your Teen
Build a positive connection during this season and have FUN doing it! Spring is a time of of new beginnings, new growth, and a reminder...

3 min read
Joyous Sex
By: Michele Okimura We are doing our first deep dive this month in ministering to married couples. This has been a dream of mine for...

2 min read
Tips For Parents From a Clinical Psychologist
Written by Guest Writer, Hale Akamine, Ph.D Dr. Hale Akamine is a clinical psychologist and the executive director of the Family...

2 min read
90% of Them Struggled with Suicidal Thoughts
Emotionally Healthy Teens and Emotionally Healthy YOU By Michele Okimura As Christian parents, we care about the spiritual growth of our...

2 min read
From Porn Star to Purity in Christ
The Following is an excerpt from the Explicit 21-Day Journal... FINALLY FULFILLED By Brittni De La Mora I had blonde hair and braces. I...

2 min read
There is Freedom from Addiction
By Brandon Aha The Following is an Excerpt from the Explicit 21-Day Journal... “No one can ever know about this,” I vowed to my teenage...

5 min read
God Wants to Heal You
By Joyce Ruddell Have you ever been sexually violated in some way or do you know of someone who has been? If your answer is yes, you’re...

1 min read
Understanding and Preventing Sexual Abuse
Aloha Explicit ohana, In the coming weeks, we will be sharing past discussions, updated information and resources on sex abuse/assault....

2 min read
The Prodigals will Return
As we close the month of June and this series, I wanted to leave you with some encouragement. Ever since I rededicated my life to Jesus...

2 min read
They are Watching You
My dad’s spiritual transformation was the greatest witness and possibly the most significant influence (besides the Lord) on my decision...

2 min read
Suggested Attire for Pride Month
Can you guess who created the first garment in recorded history? He is known by many names, such as: Jehovah Jireh, El Shaddai, El Roi,...

4 min read
Miracle at 10,000 feet
Have you ever been to the summit of Mauna Kea? I can finally say that I have been there after 42 years on this earth! The risk of...

4 min read
Get me off this rollercoaster right now!
Purity isn’t boring. It’s like a roller coaster ride with wild turns, drops …. missing tracks, trap doors, loop-the-loops, legions of...

3 min read
Circumcise my what?!
Can you imagine going up to someone and telling them that they have too much foreskin around their heart, and they need cut it off? Well,...

2 min read
Reflections on Holy Week
I went to a popular beach on the windward side of O’ahu recently and was amazed at how much microplastic littered the shoreline. In fact,...

4 min read
When a Child Comes Out as LGBTQ+
Responding with compassion to a child coming out as LGBTQ+

1 min read
God can heal the gender confused soul.
A testimony of gender wholeness and deliverance. Hey Everyone, I want to introduce you to one of our staff members and a dear friend,...

3 min read
Affirming our Kids in their Godly Gender Identity
The importance of gender affirmation in a gender non-conforming culture. Hey Everyone, I'm excited to share this very helpful article by...
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