Have you ever been to the summit of Mauna Kea? I can finally say that I have been there after 42 years on this earth!
The risk of altitude sickness, shortness of breath, and not being in the best of shape made me incredibly uncomfortable when my missionary friend suggested we go to the summit.
You see, we were serving a short mission on Hawai’i island and had been meditating on Psalm 24 for the past month. My friend was prompted by the Holy Spirit to go to the summit of Mauna Kea as a prophetic act of ascending the mountain of the Lord. The Lord showed him that I and another friend would be with him as we worshipped and broke bread together at the summit.
“Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, Nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive blessing from the Lord, And righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him, Who seek Your face. Selah” — Psalm 24:3-6
It was a NO for me. The Lord didn’t tell me anything about going to the summit — or so I thought.
That night, while praying, the Lord confirmed that He was indeed calling me to the summit, and I was not excited about that.
I had three days to prepare myself, so I went on a fast. As I sought the Lord, I had a vision of doing communion at the visitor center and the summit of Mauna Kea, but I didn’t tell anyone.
The day arrived, we packed our supplies, and headed to Mauna Kea. I trusted the Lord, but I was battling anxiety. When we arrived at the visitor center (around 7,000 ft), I went to use the bathroom one last time and walked around to calm my nerves while I acclimated. Then I saw a man and a woman walk up to a bench with two large shofars (ram’s horn trumpets). I walked over and introduced myself, finding out they had a similar prompting from the Lord to come to Mauna Kea, and guess what??? Worship, pray, and have communion specifically at the visitor center!!
I was blown away.
They only brought four communion elements, just enough for each of us as one of my friends had wanted to remain in the car. We prayed together, broke bread, and praised God for what He was doing in our lives. I made lifetime friends and eternal family members in Christ.
I needed that moment.
When we got to the security checkpoint before our final ascent, the security guard mentioned that anyone with a history of heart issues should not go to the top. That’s me. Fear instantly came upon me, and I started to breathe harder, which only made me feel worse. But I trusted the Lord because He fulfilled the vision that I saw of us taking communion at the visitor center!! I put on my earphones and listened to worship music as I sat quietly in His presence and ascended the “Mountain of the Lord.”
I made it. It was one of the most significant moments of my life for so many reasons. I was even able to sing Kanaka Waiwai and other songs as a multitude of tourists gathered at the lookout and listened in. We worshipped, praised Him, broke bread, and God assured me of my sonship. I have not been the same since.
I know His voice, and I am so glad I do.
“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me.” — John 10:27
What an assurance.
I am writing this from Hawai’i Island, where I have returned to serve with my same friend. The Lord continues to speak through His written word and His Spirit. There is so much to testify about, including lives touched, salvations, and edification in the body of Christ. I have even testified lovingly to LGBTQ+ persons and those who struggle secretly with SSA. People encountering the love of God through Jesus Christ by the sharing of my testimony and God’s word is the most beautiful thing to witness.
Purity leads us to purpose.
I have learned to guard my heart fiercely because our ability to discern the voice of the Lord depends on our knowledge of His written word but also the purity of our hearts and minds. If we allow impurity and iniquity to fill the garden of our heart, it will most certainly influence our perception and affections. Defilement pollutes the soil of our heart and contaminates our interpretations and intentions, ruining our heart posture.
Impurity hinders purpose, especially God's purpose for our lives.
My flesh still struggles with same-sex attraction, and I am never ashamed to admit it with transparency. But I continue to gladly and PURPOSEFULLY reckon myself dead to sin because nothing can compare to the feelings of joy, satisfaction, and true bliss that come from a life lived in His presence.
Who ascends the hill of the Lord? The pure in heart.
How do we become pure in heart? By drawing near to Jesus and committing to turn from our own desires to follow Him.
Will it be hard? Absolutely, but nothing could ever compare to the riches of God’s glory in Christ Jesus. NOTHING!
I pray that this short series has inspired you to pursue Jesus and a pure heart with a new passion and joy.