Real Love.
Real Truth.
At Explicit Movement, we know many parents and church leaders struggle to talk with young people about sex. We're here to equip you with relevant, faith-based resources so you can have these conversations with confidence. We know when you are empowered, you will be able to help young people navigate and avoid damaging experiences and instead, guide them into healthy, thriving relationships in God’s timing and design.
We have a passion to see youth and young adults walk in sexual integrity and lead others to do the same.
Introduction to Explicit Movement: Testimonies

Not a moment, but a movement.

Unlock purpose and
prevent exploitation.
A four-volume leadership journey for teen girls and guys.
Empower teens with the courage to make decisions, guided by a profound sense of purpose.
- Establish identity and self-worth.
- Build resiliency and confidence.
- Equip them with the skills to live a meaningful life.
Brave & Beautiful is available for purchase online. Brave & Bold will be published later in 2024.

Who we are
Explicit is a Movement that empowers young people to live with sexual integrity as they discover their God-given identity. If you struggle to talk to youth and young adults about sex, you're not alone. Our goal is to equip parents and leaders like you with relevant, faith-based resources to have these conversations with confidence, leading the way for young people to thrive in healthy relationships.
What we do
Online Courses
We have all kinds of resources for pastors, parents, young adults, teens and educators to equip you to talk about the hard stuff. After taking our courses, you will have the tools you need to talk to your teens and help them through those pivotal years into adulthood.
We travel around the world, hosting conferences and workshops at different churches and venues. We talk to teens, young adults, parents, and leaders about a wide-range of topics such as: God's design for sex, healing from sexual abuse, healthy relationships, porn addiction, and how to talk to young people about sex and sexuality. Book today as our calendar is filling up!
Our store is full of books and resources that will assist you in discovering what God says about sex and relationships. As you journey through the pages, you will be compelled to walk in sexual integrity and begin to understand fully who God says you are.

Michele Okimura
Director Of Releasing Generations
Michele serves as the Director of Releasing Generations, which includes three facets: Explicit Movement, Kingdom Families and ReThink Creativity. She served as Associate Pastor of LifeSpring Church in Honolulu from 1997-2020. Prior to being a pastor, she worked for 17 years as an elementary school teacher.
Michele loves to strengthen families, to equip adults, and to raise up the next generation as passionate lovers of Jesus. Her desire is to see all age groups in God’s kingdom passionately hungering after the Lord, walking in their true identity, and ministering in love, unity, and in the power of the Holy Spirit! Michele and her husband Rob have been married since 1984 and they have two adult children, Aaron and Jessica.
"Outstanding Advocate"

Michele with Hawaii Governor Josh Green
Explicit Movement was awarded "Outstanding Advocate for Children and Youth" by the state of Hawaii in honor of Children and Youth Day 2023!

Michele and our Explicit team with Mayor Rick Blangiardi.
About Explicit Movement

High School Student
“My name is Leeza and I attend Waianae High School. I’m also involved in the Waianae Christian Club and it (EXPLICIT Conference) is the most life changing experience that I ever had. Thank you so much for supporting our ohana.”

"The entire experience not only was an answer to prayer, an encounter like no other but a confirmation of what God had been speaking to me. I kept thinking how much I would have loved that my children and grandchildren could be in attendance. In the time of prayer…the students, pastors, the parents, the entire room was being made new. Since that night, the testimony of Pastor Kainoa and the prayers spoken and those which we were led through had in the Spirit reached the homes of my family and there is healing going on and reconciliation that occurred as a suddenly! It is truly a revival of a different sort but I know it has been established and it will only continue as we continue to pray and allow God to use us to let Him blow our minds beyond what we could imagine!”

High School Student
“We all have ups and downs and before the EXPLICIT conference, I was in a rut and needed out. When they opened with worship, it was phenomenal, and it set the mood so we were all in a mood to learn more and to stay pure. Each guest speaker was great! The first night was amazing. I went home filled with the Holy Spirit. My personal favorite was the founder of Porn Scar. My favorite part was when they had us write on a small mirror, the rejecting thoughts about ourselves, Afterwards, we had to find a youth leader to wipe it clean. We then prayed on what God had said we were. I left EXPLICIT feeling rejuvenated and filled with the Holy Spirit.”

Youth Pastor
“One youth who had been feeling like the “benefit” in the #friendswithbenefits felt such empowerment when Marion spoke over our girls and told them that they were the Daughter of the King of Kings and should never settle for anything less. The blessing touched her heart so much she couldn’t stop crying when she realized she didn’t have to be anyone’s “benefit.” Having attended this conference, I believe all youth and their pastors/leaders would benefit so much from attending. It gave real examples, life testimonies and scientific proof that Satan continues to try and “hijack” how our youth view sex and relationships, but God has a much better plan. This conference healed many, set many free and definitely taught us a whole lot that we will continue to talk about with our youth.”

Parent of Teen
Tiara’s mom: “When Tiara came home from the conference, she excitedly shared with me many things she learned for 30 minutes straight! Tiara has a number of friends in relationships. When she went to school that following week, she approached her friends and shared with them, “Let me tell you a story about what God really wants in relationships!” She was encouraging to them, but also sharing truth. It has now been about 9 months since the conference and even recently, Tiara still talks about what she learned from the conference to her friends!”