What moves your heart?
What moves God’s heart toward you?
I knew God's Word says that He loves to be approached with praise and thanksgiving – but I never thought very deeply about how He feels in terms of how it deeply moves His heart.
But God corrected my perception of Him recently and helped me to see a facet of Him I never really considered before.
God created us in His image, so he feels emotions like we do.
Imagine someone genuinely looking deeply into your eyes while expressing deep love and appreciation for you. Wouldn't your heart be moved emotionally? Maybe even moved to tears?
There have been times when my husband Rob has, in the past 40 years of marriage this year, looked at me deeply with tears in his eyes, expressing how much he loves me, and it never fails - it makes me tear up and cry a bit too. It moves my heart.
Take a look at this 6-minute clip from Steve Harvey Show below where a woman thanks Steve Harvey and affirms and praises Steve from her heart and see how Steve Harvey’s heart is deeply moved. It's well worth a pause to watch, trust me.
After watching, I want you to imagine that this is a glimpse of how your Heavenly Father feels deeply moved when we genuinely thank Him and praise Him from the heart!
Take time today to express to at least one person your deep appreciation and love for them - and let's work on loving people as a daily lifestyle!
Whether you are married, have a significant other, or are single, know that God's heart BEATS for you...YOU move His heart.
I love you all! Happy Valentine's Day! SOAK IN THIS VIDEO, and take a moment to ponder what God is speaking to your heart through it.